Friday, March 4, 2011

Worst Freitag Ever!!!

Gosh, just when I thought the day couldn't get any worse, it did.  And it just proved that everything can be worse, no matter how bad the situation was.  It all started today morning...
Woke up, DIDN'T get enough sleep last night due to studying to my math test, (hint hint), then I was nearly late as well...  First period was not all that exciting as I expected, because for the first time every, I'm actually not enjoying the class...  Plus the fact that I'm just re-doing what I've already done outside of school in art class (water-color wheel, bor-ing!) ?  Well, I wouldn't say it's the best day I could have.  Third period, science.  Hey, no offense to people who wit in my quad, but seriously, they just wouldn't work.  Now, if I work slightly more than them because I'm paranoid of my grade, it's perfectly fine.  But if it comes to doing ALL the work in the group and the only one caring about the grade, no so great.  Health is the easy class of the day, too bad, Fates are not on my side.  I nearly fell asleep when 'watching' the video, and basically suffered the immense sleepiness the entire period.
It gets better?  NO!!!!  Ha!  Even lunch, which was suppose to be awesome, stinks.  I skipped academic super bowl (Don't even know why did I bothered to join), because I was too tired.  Oh, did I mention that I tore my math book apart accidentally?  I guess not.  You get the idea, and that's actually the start of the misery for the rest of the day.  MATH TEST--total CHAOS+FAILURE.  The teacher, a.k.a. Mrs. Dodds Junior, basically knew that it was hard and nobody (haha funny, NOT!) would ever finish it on time and check it once, but she went on with it anyways.  W-O-W.  Everyone was positive that they would fail the test.  And that was an understatement--yeah, it's that bad.  We basically just all huddled together and 'cried'. 
Hmmm...  German class--teacher went to the conference.  Watched an extraordinarily boring video that serived NO purpose.  I'm just about to call this day officially sucks, (understatement), when I received a letter from the high school counselor, claiming that I'm not able to choose Photography next year because it was occupied--the worst thing I've heard whole day.  And they won't even give me some decent choices of classes I could take to replace it!!!  WHO CARES ABOUT WORLD GEOGRAPHY????
Sorry for the rant, but I seriously need to get this out of my system.  Ouch, I have a headache right now, I hope I didn't catch the fever...
Look, I'm so depressed and pissed off right now, and if you would like to comfort me or something and you actually understands the feeling, pease comment.  It would truly make my day and I'll be forever grateful to you.
Nobody426, over and out.

Totally what I feel...

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