Monday, October 24, 2011

I stand up for what I believe in

I stood up for what I believe today. Period. 
Seriously, do I always have to take the lead? I don't always enjoy it, you know. But nobody understands me and I know that somebody has to do it. I didn't quit just yet. Not today, not tomorrow, but one day I wouldn't be there to do it...
It all happened today in school anyways. The teacher was away, and a substitute came. The substitute was actually my Social Studies teacher from last year, and the one who organizes Student Council stuff, no matter how incompetent she might be for that. What can I say?
The class was chaotic, people were screaming at each other, and we were suppose to study--*for tomorrow's test.* And guess what? I raised my hand and proposed the idea for someone to lead--somebody, anybody, as long as we could actually /finish/ our study guide, which is really important for the test. And the test? One of the biggest ones of the year. What did she do?
She shot me down. Hard. Nastily too may I add. I'm okay if the idea was rejected, really, but come on, I'm not doing that for myself. I was doing it for the whole class. She didn't need to put me on the spot like that, it was utterly pointless.
Then, she tried to make us all silent and read something else. Not anything about our tests. And I thought it was a study day...? You're suppose to study? Hello?
Well, I really don't know what to say--I stood up for what I believe was right, and I always will. Too bad nobody would recognize it. 
But one day when I'm not there anymore, they would.

Thanks for listening to me rant, now on to another business, my ETSY SHOP!
Interested to buy a camp necklace? Here's a link to it: [link]

PS:  My mom always tell me to tone down my hero complex...  Well, too late!

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