Monday, August 1, 2011


The blog's title is ironically one of the borrrrrring songs I gotta play for the Monster Concert, oh well.  I didn't post for a long time now, didn't I?  Well, life's been busy...  (Keep telling yourself that, Nobody426)
Anyways, aside from enduring a 5 hour drive to Michigan to visit my cousins for three times (why?!), and going on a short trip to the name-less water park in Ohio, oh, and also King's Island, I really didn't go anywhere.  Or do anything for the matter.
Except for practicing piano and some meaning-less SAT exercises.  I'm not even gonna take the test for another three years!  But oh well, I guess it couldn't hurt except making me complaining more than ever.  If there are indeed anyone who's reading my blog and my fanfictions, you'll realize that I haven't updated for--(thinking face), oh, just nearly half a year?  I'm actually quite sorry for that.  I got lazy sometimes, especially with all the practice duties.  Two weeks left to summer vacation and I just realized that I wasted most of it.  What can I say?
Next year, I'm gonna do something.  Something, anything, everything.  Everything I ever wanted to do this summer but I didn't.  I'm going to finish my sorta novel, get a grip on my studies, and finish all the paintings and drawings that I never finished.  Oh, and I have to watch a bunch of cartoons that I missed too.
Have I mentioned my un-healthy Danny Phantom obsession that miraculously replaced the Percy Jackson one?  No?  Well, that, ladies and gentlemen, monkeys and elephants, is a one heck of a long story.  *Cough*  Sorry for my never-ending long rant.  I kinda am boring myself now, so IS THERE ANY QUESTIONS?  *Chuckles*  That's what I screamed in the classroom two years ago because I was boring myself.  I don't think the teacher really liked me since then.
Oh by the way, if you guys got any tips of getting a work permit, a little help will be greatly appreciated. I gotta earn my money now, man.  Good for saving up for my trip to Germany that I plan to take two years later.  If only my dad agrees...  I figure that it'll be easier if I can at least pay my way there.  Hmmm...
So basically, I'm stuck in my house, practicing piano endlessly everyday, and attempting to write something for my loyal (maybe not anymore) readers.  It's a hard attempt, but at least I try.
And on the happy (? Or boring for you?) note, I'm gonna sign off here and wish you all a happy summer.

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